The Path to Visionary Living: Why Your Daily Choices Matter

Rahul Haripriya
5 min readDec 12, 2023

In the hustle and bustle of life, we often find ourselves fixating on distant horizons, wondering where we'll be in five years. While setting long-term goals is undoubtedly essential, there's a profound truth that often gets overlooked: the present moment, your current trajectory, and your daily habits matter more than you might think.

We've all heard the adage that visionaries think in the long term. It's true; they do. But being a visionary isn't about merely fantasizing about a distant future; it's about taking practical steps every day to inch closer to that vision. It's a reminder that you can be a visionary in your own life, regardless of your ambitions.

The notion of visionaries thinking in the long term is not an empty cliché; it holds a profound truth. Visionaries, whether they are entrepreneurs, artists, or leaders, possess the ability to see beyond the present and envision a future that's different from the status quo. They have a clear sense of purpose and direction, and they are known for setting ambitious, often audacious, long-term goals.

However, what truly sets visionaries apart is their approach to realizing these long-term goals. It's not a matter of wishful thinking or daydreaming about a distant future. Rather, it's about the deliberate, consistent, and practical steps they take every single day to bring that vision to life.

Consider the inventor who dreams of a groundbreaking new technology, the artist who aspires to create a masterpiece, or the leader who envisions a better world. They don't merely fixate on these grand aspirations; they meticulously craft their daily lives around these goals. They take concrete actions, no matter how small, to inch closer to their vision.

For instance, the inventor might allocate time each day to research and development, the artist might dedicate hours to honing their craft, and the leader might focus on building relationships and implementing small but meaningful changes. These daily efforts are the essential building blocks of their long-term aspirations. I'm not even saying that you have to keep the same intensity everyday, all I'm saying is that everyday you need to be aware that you are on a mission and you are bound to act in that way that even in the tiniest amount you can actually make some progress towards what you seek in life.

Deciding a long term goal is necessary but building small habits and routines for everyday is far more important because where you want to see yourself after 5 years may or may not happen the way you expect it to be but if you kept everyday as a priority and did your best to make that day count then you will definitely reach somewhere that you will appreciate in your life.

This concept of being a visionary in your own life applies to everyone, not just those with grand ambitions. Whether your goals are personal or professional, whether they involve achieving a new level of fitness, nurturing relationships, or advancing in your career, you can approach them with a visionary mindset. It's about setting clear objectives for the future and then, critically, creating daily habits and routines that align with these objectives.

In essence, being a visionary is not reserved for the few; it's a mindset that anyone can adopt. It's a reminder that you have the power to shape your life and work towards a better, more fulfilling future, one step at a time. By embracing this idea, you can transform your dreams into reality and make progress toward your long-term aspirations, no matter how ambitious they may be.

Your current trajectory and your daily habits are often underestimated in their significance, but they play a pivotal role in shaping your life and future in ways you might not fully realise. Here's a deeper exploration of why they matter more than you might think:

The bamboo tree effect:

You might put on a lot of work with consistency for years but you might not see any significant results for weeks, months or sometimes years. Does that mean you are not making any progress? Absolutely not. You could be like a bamboo tree which has no significance for 5 years of being planted and taken care of after 5 years of age. It grows in such a way that everybody sees it and it feels like it has been there for ages because it's that tall. That could be you. You might not see yourself succeeding every time you give your best but you never know when it's all going to add up and give you the best outcome that everyone will notice and appreciate.

Adaptation to Change:

Life is dynamic, and circumstances change. Your current trajectory may need adjustments along the way. Your daily habits serve as a flexible toolkit that allows you to adapt to these changes. When you're accustomed to taking proactive, daily actions, you're better equipped to navigate unforeseen challenges and pivot when necessary.

Shaping Your Character:

Your daily habits are not just about what you do; they are a reflection of who you are. They shape your character, your values, and your identity. Over time, your habits become a part of your identity, influencing your decisions and, consequently, your trajectory in life.

The Power of Momentum:

Your current trajectory is the path you're on, based on your past decisions and actions. It's like a train on its tracks, steadily moving forward. Your daily habits are the engine that drives this train. When you maintain positive habits and align them with your goals, you create momentum. This momentum can be a powerful force, propelling you toward your long-term objectives. Conversely, negative habits can derail your trajectory.

Appreciating the Journey:

Sometimes, the destination isn't the reward; it's the journey. By focusing on small, daily victories, you learn to savour the process, celebrating the growth and progress you experience along the way. You find meaning in the pursuit itself.

Key Takeaway:

To sum up all that has been stated as far we can say that your current trajectory and your daily habits are intimately linked. They are the foundational elements that determine the direction of your life. While long-term goals are essential for providing vision and purpose, it's the consistent, daily actions that provide the fuel to reach those goals. Recognizing the significance of your daily choices and consciously aligning them with your aspirations can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life, one day at a time.



Rahul Haripriya

A Professor of Computer Science Engineering, Author-Lockdown Discovery and a professional blogger. I write and share experiences to inspire people